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Our Highland Cattle

When we purchased our fold, very little was known about each cow.  We were told, the females are all pregnant and due sometime in the spring or in the summer.  Well so far this year, we have surprise after surprise.  We are now pleased to introduce our fold!


Birthdate Unknown

We believe Cable-Wire may be the oldest cow in our fold.  She's had a very rough spring, as during calving, she required an emergency C-section.  All went well and both mama Cable-Wire and calf Freddy recovered well!
Cable-Wire loves carrots and apple treats, but prefers not to eat them out of your hand.



April 19, 2019

Freddy was born on Friday, April 19, 2019.  Good Friday.  Well it turn out that Good Friday was a good Friday because we didn't lose Freddy.  After an emergency C-section, Freddy came into this world fighting.  He's a great little calf, who is a joy to watch run, play and prance in the field.



Birthdate Unknown

Chill is our black Highland cow who is second in the hierarchy.  She also came to us with her 2018 bull calf Bo.  She seemed to be pregnant forever and appeared as if she would burst, and much to our delight, when she calved, she produced the cutest little heifer calf, Maggie.



Spring - 2018

Bo is our up and coming bull.  Born in the spring of 2018, he's growing well and keeping a keen eye on Steve.  He's already shown during calving season that he is a great protector.  When certain cows would get close to their time, he would continuously keep certain other members of the fold far away to ensure they didn't pester the cows in labour.



May 15, 2019

After so much anticipation, Miss Maggie snuck into this world without a fuss and gave a cute surprise as we walked the field during morning head count.  She has grown so much in the short time she's been alive, and she makes a spunky addition to our fold.



May 13, 2021

Twinkle is Chill's newest calf.  Born without assistance, Twink wandered out with her Mama ready for whatever the world will throw at her.  She's confident and a happy little calf, content to do her own thing, which causes a little alarm for us as farmers because she regularly gets separated from the rest of the fold, requiring us to head up a search party to reunited Mama and calf.



Birthdate Unknown

Haybale is an older female Highland.  From the rings counted on her horns, we believe she is about to have her 6th calve.  Putting her close to 9-10 years of age.  She is leader of the fold and does her best to keep everybody else in line.



November 19, 2019

Churchill arrived just shortly after dusk on an unseasonably warm, wet November day.  We had suspected from the size of Haybale that she was having twins, but only Churchill arrived.  He's quite the little calf who resembles his Papa, Steve.  All of the cows seem to have taken a great liking to Churchill and they take turns sitting with him.



Birthdate Unknown

Hazel is new to our fold, she arrived in early November with another cow Maggy.  They are quite the skittish pair and will quickly take off to the denser woods in the back part of their pasture. Hazel is a beautiful light colour brown Highland and we are pleased to add her to our fold.

Cattle Profiles: Careers
Cattle Profiles: Image
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